The Nomination Process

Each year, the International Whitewater Hall of Fame honors the world’s most accomplished whitewater Pioneers, Explorers, Champions, and Advocates.

Nominations for the International Whitewater Hall of Fame (IWHoF) Class of 2025 continue; nominations are accepted year-round and will be accepted for 2025 induction consideration through June 1, 2025.

When nominations are submitted, the IWHoF screeners will review them to determine a slate, whose names will be open for voting by the IWHoF electorate, an international body of experienced paddlesports experts. The IWHoF Class of 2025 will be announced in July 2025. Given the importance of safe distancing in groups and varying international regulations, the format for the induction ceremony is still being determined.


Find Your Afilliate

The whitewater public is encouraged to contact their representative affiliates to participate in the nomination process.

Nominations from around the world are submitted to the IWHOF offices by Affiliate organizations. These organizations have been selected for their broad representation of the whitewater industry and their expressed interest in IWHOF.

The Nomination Process is as follows:

1.  Complete the Nomination Form and submit your nomination conveniently online. (Don’t forget to email any supporting photos, videos, other files, etc., separately).

2. Affiliate Organizations or Honorees will fill out the Nomination Form Completely and return to IWHOF via online submission, with all supporting files and documents. Individuals will fill out the Nomination Form and forward to an Affiliate Organization or an Honoree for submission to Media Relations prior to the Nomination Deadline.

3. Fill out all sections completely. Incomplete forms with incomplete documentation and supporting files and information give screeners insufficient information to place candidates on the ballot for election.

4. Please include with your nomination form submission any and all published information, documents, articles and/or manuscripts, photographs, news clippings, DVDs and/or video footage, website URLs and links, blog information, and any other details that will be helpful in evaluating your nominee. This information will also be used, should your nominee be elected to the Hall of Fame, in the production of the annual DVD highlighting the achievements of the new class of honorees.

5. All nominations are active for five years. You do not have to resubmit your nomination on an annual basis. However, should your nominee still be active and participating in the whitewater community and adding additional accomplishments, you are free to update your nomination by sending a list of additional accomplishments, or you may complete an entirely new nomination form.

6. Please forward your completed Nomination Form and all supporting documents to any one of our affiliated organizations or IWHoF Honorees for submission to the IWHoF Media Relations for consideration.

7. Any questions or concerns, please contact the IWHOF Program Manager.